Spring felines emerge.
What a welcome sight these silver grey tufts! Actually flowers wrapped in fur to keep warm, the soft grey buds of the salix discolor give the pussy willow her common name.
According to legend, a mother cat was crying by a river in which her kittens were drowning, having tumbled in while chasing butterflies. The willows on the river bank took pity upon them and swept their long graceful branches into the waters. The kittens grabbed on tightly and were brought safely to shore. Every springtime since, the willow branches sprout soft fur like buds where the tiny kittens once clung.
"When furry buds are all about Upon the pussy willows, The fairy folk soon find it out And use it for their pillows. "
H. G. C. Marsh Lambert
The earth is waking up, the kittens are clinging to the branches of the willows and the fairies are everywhere. All is good with the world.