Snazzy name for a common tree.
All along the trail growing things are trying like crazy to be green. This spindly, almost naked branch won the day - partly by showing off with a serious display of chartreuse
and partly because it reached right out in front of my face and made me look.
Brandishing practically neon-green leaves and fancy, pink-tipped dingle dangles these brand new sprouts from an acer negundo made themselves known in the otherwise drabish environment. Nicely done!
"If I could stay up late no doubt I'd catch the buds just bursting out; And up from every hidden root Would jump a tiny slender shoot; I wonder how seeds learn the way, They always know the very day— The pretty, happy first of May; If I could stay up then, no doubt I'd catch the buds just bursting out."
Annette Wynne
The ubiquitous boxelder is everywhere - so common that some consider it invasive - and by the end of the month I’ll be tromping right by zillions of them without giving them a second look.
But today I appreciate all the work they’ve done to decorate the trail with the inaugural spring colors that promise so much more to come.